Personal excellence Suite

Increasing personal effectiveness is the key to fulfillment and peace of mind. Self-management means being accountable for your thinking and internal self-talk, which programs your beliefs, attitudes, feelings, and actions. So to change your results, you must change the way you think about success.
Being effective with time planning and prioritizing is essential for getting better results faster, and organizing your environment, and overcoming procrastination, are the key skills for optimizing efficiency.
Besides managing your mind and your time, you must know where you are going, and what you want to achieve in advance. Learning how to set goals properly, and how to manage your stress and emotions are the master skills of living a successful life.
These 5 modules will set the foundation for increasing your personal effectiveness, and fundamentally change your results for the better.
Self-Management Strategies (Positive Conditioning For Success)

- Topic 1: Learning Principles
- Topic 2: The Real Competition
- Topic 3: Success Steps & Roadblocks
- Topic 4: Managing Self-Talk
- Topic 5: Accelerated Conditioning
Time Planning & Prioritizing (Getting More Done In Less Time)

- Topic 1: Introduction To Time
- Topic 2: Time Wasters
- Topic 3: Time Planning
- Topic 4: Prioritizing
- Topic 5: Time Planners
Organization & Procrastination (Working At Optimum Efficiency)

- Topic 1: Organization Introduction
- Topic 2: Piles Into Files
- Topic 3: Filing Systems
- Topic 4: Reminder Systems
- Topic 5: Procrastination
Goal Attainment (Forecasting & Achieving Success)

- Topic 1: Goal Introduction
- Topic 2: Goal Achievement
- Topic 3: Mission, Objectives & Goals
- Topic 4: Balancing Goals
- Topic 5: Goal Setting Strategy
Managing Emotions (Winning Over Adversity & Stress)

- Topic 1: Failure & Rejection
- Topic 2: Rejecting Rejection
- Topic 3: Motivators & De-Motivators
- Topic 4: Enthusiasm
- Topic 5: Anxiety & Stress
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Passing score is 80% on the final Retention Test for Course Credit.
Don't worry if you miss an answer, you can always reopen the course, and then scroll down to the Retention Test and retake the quiz again. You receive URC Credit for every course you pass. You can view your Transcripts at the link on the bottom of each web page.