What is Numimatic TV?
The URC Library Features video education with Numismatic TV. Watch U.S. Coin history come alive with HD video online on every aspect of numismatics.
Watch the History of minting coinage over a hundred years ago , our U.S. President's views on Knowledge and Education, rare coin documentaries, industry interviews, and much more.
How Rare Coins Were Minted a Century Ago (10 minutes)

A rare video from the archives which documents every aspect of minting coins, from raw bullion to bagged coins.
This is one of the first films, shot in 1907, a silent movie (enhanced with a 21st century soundtrack,) that has the original sub-titles, and classic old mint employees, performing their daily duties.
PlayPresidential Wisdom on Education & Learning (7 minutes)

Since George Washington took office as the first President of the United States, To the 44th President, Barack Obama... Each has had a unique philosophy on Education and Learning.
This video highlights their beliefs on personal enhancement, and what it takes to be a leader in today's Knowledge-Based Economy.
PlayThe Most Beautiful Coin In The World (3 minutes)

The St. Gauden's Double Eagle $20 gold piece, has be widely recognized as the most beautiful coin in the world.
This short video, documents his relationship with friend, President Roosevelt, and their collaborative efforts to redesign American's coinage into works of art.